Faith Practitioners

Live by Faith

God’s Laws of Healing – The Book

Do you need a healing miracle?

When does God heal?

Can I be healed?

I prayed but I didn't get healed, why?

How do healing miracles happen?

How do I pray for someone else to be healed?

Get Revelation. Get Results.


The spirit realm is governed by laws and healing miracles work according to those laws God established. Jesus showed us plainly how to receive a miracle in his teachings. The Word also tells us about things that can stop our miracle from coming to pass. This book is based on Scripture and provides a clear understanding of the laws of healing. We can't stop there however, knowing something and implementing it are two different things. We want to know about healing and see healing miracles come to pass! This book contains the following additional tools to help you receive your healing:

Diagram of A Miracle

Have you ever wondered how a miracle actually happens? What are the components of a miracle? What steps does a miracle follow? Get a glimpse of the actual progression of a miracle in diagram and in list view.

Spiritual Assessment

Assessments are included in the book that help determine where you are spiritually. A major benefit gained from taking the assessments is the ability to see where you may need to make adjustments when it comes to receiving your healing.

Spiritual Prescription

In the natural, doctors prescribe medicine as a prescription. God has provided a supernatural prescription for your healing in his Word. This script is included in the book in detail along with a short "quick sheet" you can keep with you to use daily.

Healing Tools

Additional tools such as healing prayers, faith exercises and builders, faith declarations, healing scriptures, as well as an in depth view of the healing ministry of Jesus are included in this single resource!

Be Healed.

About The Author

Frances Lange is an author, business owner, and the founder of Faith Practitioners in Dickinson, Tx. She is also a member of a small group of ladies who meet frequently for prayer intercession on behalf of others. Frances has been a Christian since she was a child and it is her heart's desire to reach others with the message of Christ and her main gifts are in the area of teaching. One of her most passionate topics to teach on is how to live the Christian life on earth in the power of God, to see God's miracles and his will come to pass in her life and the lives of others.