If God has to, then why are so many Christians struggling financially? Why are some still sick and even die from disease? We will get to that, but first let’s settle the truth in our hearts…

God is bound by his word.

” My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. ” Psalm 89:34

If you get a hold of this it will change everything in your life. In other articles, I have talked about spiritual laws and how they work. The laws of the kingdom and God’s word works every single time. I have heard preachers say “The word works if you work the word”. The first thing you have to see and be fully persuaded of is that God cannot lie and he will honor, stand by, and back up his word. PERIOD. If the results you are having in your life do not line up with his word, that is happening for a reason, but it is not a disconnect or a lie on God’s end. The good news about this fact is, all we have to do to see change is get things in order according to his word and then we will begin to receive the covenant promises of God in full manifestation in our lives!

God has bound himself by a blood covenant with you.

What do you think Jesus was for us? He was the sacrifice God made to bring us into his family as his sons and daughters. Have you ever meditated on what that means? God has promised to heal, deliver, and prosper us in his word and he sealed it with the blood of Jesus.

This is not the meaning of the word “promise” that we think of in these times we are living in and in our experiences with people. So many people are fickle and flaky when it comes to doing something they say they are going to do. God’s promises are his oath, and they are backed with a blood covenant! It is impossible for God to lie. IMPOSSIBLE. If God said he will do something, that is the end of it. When I meditate on this, the conclusion I come to is: There can be no other outcome.

Are you still unsure? Read what God said to you about it…

For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. Hebrews 6:13-14

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Numbers 23:19

… and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof. Joshua 23:14

Okay, so let that sink in for just a moment… it says “because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself”. There is nothing higher than him. There is nothing greater than him. There is no other but him that governs all things and brings all justice and truth. From these scriptures we see that God cannot lie, why would we ever question his integrity to make his word good?! HIS WORD NEVER FAILS.

Oh but the next revelation is one of my personal favorites

As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him. Psalm 18:30

Listen up people! Everyone else around you could be flaky or could turn their back on their word…but “As for God, his way is…” – get ready, get ready, get ready!! The word “perfect” in Hebrew used in this verse means: upright, sound, complete, without blemish, without spot, truth, undefiled, whole. That describes his “way”, who he is. He is reliable and sure!

Oh but let’s go a little deeper…because his word is tried. I love the language the King James uses, it takes some getting used to but once you do it will jump out at you in a way the other versions don’t. I love the word “tried” here. What is this saying to us? It is saying his word has been tested. It has been put on trial and it sees the thing through to the end in victory! Other versions of the bible say his word is “flawless”, “true”, “correct”, and “proven”. “Proven” would be my next favorite.

This verse also says he is a “buckler” to all of us that trust in him. This word in the original Hebrew means: a “shield”, a “protector”, a “defense”. God himself shows up on the scene as your personal protector and shield in the midst of your trouble! These scriptures are God speaking to you… He is telling you that he is faithful concerning his word, that he will back up his word, and that his word cannot fail!

God’s Word Obligates Him

Not only is God bound by his word, another way to see this is: God is obligated to perform his word. That is a bold statement, but it is true! Let’s look at some of the promises in the word that we can expect to see come to pass in our lives:

1. God is obligated to heal you.

It is written:

For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD … Jeremiah 30:17

2. God is obligated to prosper you.

It is written:

The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22

3. God is obligated to deliver you.

It is written:

The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Psalm 34:7

4. God is obligated to answer you.

It is written:

For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:8

5. God is obligated to protect you.

It is written:

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper… Isaiah 54:17

There are many, many more promises in the word of God. If you aren’t spending time in the word, you don’t know what you are missing!

What trumps God’s obligation? His LOVE!

Here is the best part of all… The title of this article states God “has to”, and that is true! Having the revelation that God is bound by and obligated to his word to come through for us brings our faith to a certain level to believe that we can possess the things he has promised in our lives. It gives us a certainty of his word. However, it is so much better than that.

We couldn’t make God do anything at all, if he did not desire it to be so. We wouldn’t see any change in the midst of our misery, if God did not grant it. The beautiful thing is, he chose to be bound to us and he chose to make his covenant with us. He knew we could never live up to perfection or earn any of these promises he has given to us, and yet he loved us so much he gave us the abundant life in his word. That is why the scripture says in 1 John 4:19 “We love him, because he first loved us.” When you begin to get a revelation of all the things God has already done and promised you that you could never be good enough to attain, you can’t help but love him. The revelation of those things will bring you to your knees in gratitude and awe. The Great King. The Great “I am”. The Author of the Universe. And yet we march right up to the throne as his kids and through inheritance have access to it all. (Hebrews 4:16)

He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Romans 8:32

And this scripture drives it all home. This is how you know God will make good on his promises in your life and it’s beyond what you could ever imagine. Don’t miss what God is saying here. I see why Jesus would say, “He who hath ears, let him hear”, well you better hear this…

  1. “He that spared not his own son….” Your God paid for you with the most costly thing he had. His own son’s life. FOR YOU. So that you could become sons and daughters in his family because there was no way for you to earn it. He did it for even those who reject him, just so they could have a way to be rescued from hell if they would just turn around and choose him.
  2. “but delivered him up for us all…” YOU COST GOD A LOT. And God was more than ready to pay the bill. Have you ever had to pay for something your child has done? When they ordered a bunch of movies online without your knowing. Or bigger things, like they wrecked the car. Can you even wrap your mind around what God paid for you, to make atonement for you so you could enter the kingdom of heaven? Have you ever readily and without any hesitation offered up your child’s life to rescue anyone, and even more profound, people that hated you? If that was their only way to be rescued, could you make that choice? Well, the good news is God doesn’t ask people to sacrifice their children (and your child could never be the perfect sacrifice like Jesus was), but let that idea sink in because it brings us to the final point…
  3. “…how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” Do you see it now?! WOW. This is like God saying to you:

Look! I gave my most costly possession, I delivered my son’s life up for you all without hesitation because I love you and I will pay any price for you. Now what I am trying to get through to your human understanding is: If I will do that to save you, how can you even think for a second that I will not also freely give you all other things when you ask of me? Does my willingness to make such an ultimate sacrifice not prove to you that all the other things are yes too? If I promised you in my word to do all these things for you, then why would you think I would not do it freely, holding nothing back from you when you have seen I didn’t even hesitate on your behalf with my own son’s life? Don’t doubt my faithfulness, and don’t doubt my love for you!

Can God make it any more plain for us? And yet we miss it so many times. You have to keep your mind focused on the truth, so that the outward circumstances don’t come in and choke his word out of your life and stop you from seeing things change!

God’s word will supersede every contradiction in your life.

Okay, so you read a promise on healing, deliverance, prosperity, or whatever the situation is that you are going through and you aren’t seeing the covenant promise in your life. Why is that? Well, we just read through scriptures about God’s word being ultimate truth to every Christian. We know that he is bound and obligated by what he has promised, that he cannot lie, and he freely desires to fix every problem we face in our lives. So where does this leave us?

It is not God that needs to correct anything, or do anything differently. It is not him saying no to you regarding something he already promised you could have (because that would also be a lie). Somewhere you have believed a lie, you have believed something contrary to the word of God. You see, your faith only works to your knowledge level. In Hosea 4:6 it says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” You still see destruction in a certain area because you don’t know how to operate in the spirit realm to actually see God’s word work in your life! It is vital to commit to learn these things and grow spiritually so you don’t “choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful”. (Mark 4:19) If the word can be “choked” and become “unfruitful”, then that explains why we don’t see it work all the time individually. It doesn’t mean the word isn’t true!

You have to dive deeper and take the time to learn how to operate in the spirit realm and see your faith work. Here are some articles that help clarify: